Methane is by far the largest component of natural gas, which provides nearly 40 per cent of Canada’s energy supply. So clearly, it behooves Canadian natural gas companies to understand and minimize methane emissions while…
Energy Magazine Category: Innovation
ATCO and UBC collaborate on a pilot project to explore the highly promising potential of methane pyrolysis for decentralized, clean hydrogen production. Hydrogen is an important component of Canada’s quest for a net-zero future. Its…
Many energy providers in Canada harness natural gas to work hand-in-hand with wind and solar resources to ensure continued electrical generation system reliability and meet their net-zero emission targets in the future. At least two…
Heat pump technology for customers’ seasonal heating and cooling requirements has become a center of increased discussion and debate by industry and government. Despite a number of key advantages natural gas pumps have over their…
The International Gas Union Research Conference (IGRC) is coming to Banff in 2024, and with it comes the opportunity to showcase and promote one of the natural gas industry’s greatest strengths: innovation. It will be…
Entrepreneurs and technology providers with advanced methane emissions reduction products — at a pre-commercial but field-ready stage — now have an extraordinary opportunity to move forward into eventual commercialization of their efforts, thanks to a…
Supplying hydrogen to industrial users is now a major business around the world, as natural gas providers and others recognize the growing importance of this low-emission gaseous fuel supply to further reduce their carbon emissions. …
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) recognized years ago that the Government of Canada could not meet its environmental commitments by acting alone — that the support of industry, clean technology leaders, and other innovators were critical.…
Four per cent of the world’s motor vehicles are currently fueled by natural gas and nearly all of those are smaller passenger cars in a select number of countries outside North America. Dramatically accelerating the…
Important efforts are driving clean technological advancements even further in the natural gas industry, through unprecedented cooperation between downstream utilities and upstream natural gas producers in innovation. The Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF) announced recently…
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