Elevating Ambition

The US Federal Government’s Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program – known by its homely acronym LIHEAP – has proved a durable safety net for vulnerable Americans struggling with energy bills since the early 1980s. But…

You’ve got a friend

As U.S. natural gas utilities continue efforts to stave off legislative and regulatory assaults at the state and local levels, they’re receiving welcome support from stakeholders representing diverse interests who understand the real-world impact of…

Build Back Better?

President Biden’s original ‘Build Back Better’ bill and a separate infrastructure package offered dueling visions of the role natural gas should play in America’s energy future. For the U.S. natural gas industry, the kinder, gentler…

Who Our Friends Are

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the extraordinary restrictions imposed by governments on business and citizens to stop its spread, have done – and undone – many things no one had previously thought possible. The costs and…

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