When we first began compiling content for this first 2020 issue of ENERGY, we were operating in different times – Canada had not yet begun to experience COVID-19, a societal lockdown, or the implications of both. You will see from the series of topics discussed that the focus was on innovation, cleantech, emission reductions, and expanding energy markets. Today, the industry is still focused on these areas, but all in the context of the need for a swift recovery. And all of these topics speak to how the natural gas industry will be part of that recovery.

In this issue, we interview the Executive Director at CAMPUT, Cynthia Chaplin as well as Alberta’s Minister of Natural Gas and Electricity, Hon. Dale Nally. Dennis Lanthier explores the trusted partnership between the Natural Gas Innovation Fund and Natural Resources Canada and we learn about an exciting potential initiative – the Canadian Northern Corridor – by Dina O’Meara. We have a profile of CGA member, Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection; we have our Commentators section; and we have regular contributor Chris Sands, recently appointed director of the Canada Centre at the Woodrow Wilson Institute, give us his perspective on the Canada-US relations in the current environment.

Since COVID-19 took hold here in Canada, our natural gas delivery industry – with detailed pandemic protocols in place – has continued to deliver essential energy services to communities across the country. As jurisdictions begin to lift lockdowns, we are working closely with governments, industry partners and other stakeholders to support economic recovery.  Gaseous energy delivery has been a part of Canada’s economic wellbeing for the entirety of our country’s existence, and our industry has helped Canadians weather wars, depression, pandemics and extreme weather.  We will help again through this crisis. We believe we can build a stronger Canada coming out of it.

I hope that you find these articles insightful, and I invite you to send me your suggestions for content to consider for future issues. In the meantime, we wish all good health and our country the best of recoveries!