BACKGROUND: The Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF) is an industry-led, industry-funded, granting organization launched by the Canadian Gas Association, seeking to accelerate cleantech innovation in the production, pipeline transmission, and end-use of natural gas.
INVESTORS: NGIF has seven upstream investors including: Birchcliff Energy, Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Chevron Canada, Perpetual Energy, PETRONAS Energy Canada, Shell Canada, and Tourmaline Oil.
The five downstream investors include ATCO Gas, Enbridge Gas, FortisBC, Pacific Northern Gas, and SaskEnergy.
TRUSTED PARTNERSHIP: NGIF’s Trusted Partners are: Natural Resources Canada, Emissions Reduction Alberta, Alberta Innovates, the British Columbia Innovative Clean Energy Fund, Geoscience BC, Innovation Saskatchewan, and the Ontario Centres of Excellence. Through these partnerships, grants from our industry and those from trusted partners can co-fund cleantech innovation in our sector within aligned and streamlined processes.
Source: Natural Gas Innovation Fund
By: Saad Sarfraz, Manager Energy and Cleantech Analytics
The Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF) won the Collaborative Trendsetter Award in 2019 as part of the Global Petroleum Show. The award recognizes entities and operators that are refining industry-level performance, and driving technology innovation and collaboration within the oil and gas industry.
In 2020, NGIF was awarded the title of co-champion along with Emissions Reductions Alberta (ERA) in Project Execution Excellence in the category of Industry Accelerators through the Daily Oil Bulletin’s second annual Energy Excellence Awards.
NGIF dashboard to date includes the following stats:
Intake Applications to Date
(9 Funding Rounds)
301 Applications
57 Site Visits
Projects Approved
(7 Rounds)1
35 Projects
$8.5 Million from NGIF
$81.9 Million leveraged
$90.4 Million in total eligible project value
Key Performance Indicators
(7 Rounds)
24 Cleantech jobs for natural gas created
1 patent filed from NGIF funding
At-least 3.5 MT CO₂e reduced by 20302
1 Pending results from Round 5 Producers and Round 6 Utilities
2 Tabulated for 17 projects to date