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JANA’s probabilistic, quantitative approach to risk modeling is industry-leading. Over the past 20+ years, we’ve amassed extensive knowledge about pipelines, building technical expertise in three key domains: Data, Integrity Management, and Quantitative Risk. Our risk models in each of these domains are proven in action and hardened in battle. We’ve backed our probabilistic J-DIMP™ and J-TIMP™ Risk Models with robust software solutions. This combination of risk modeling and software allows our clients to maximize their data and facilitate the comparison of true risk across asset classes — based on facts they can trust and defend.

Where is your company located?

JANA is proud to call Aurora, Ontario — just north of the Greater Toronto Area — home since our founding in 1999!

How many employees do you have?

As an Authorized Professional Engineering Firm (PEO) in Ontario, JANA has a dedicated, driven and passionate team of more than 80 engineers, project managers, data analysts, software developers, product managers and implementation specialists.

What is the company’s priority over the next five years?

Better Pipelines for a Better World: JANA was founded with this mission and we live it every day. This mission defines us, directs us and drives us. We live it by investing deeply in developing the absolute best technology, empowering our clients to genuinely manage their assets in a risk-informed manner and profoundly mitigate the inherent risks of operating pipelines. JANA’s pursuit of our mission is also reflected in our commitment to remaining at the forefront of probabilistic risk modeling. We are actively involved in the gas industry, contributing to growth and change while staying current on regulations.

What opportunities and challenges does your company face?

The world of probabilistic risk is still “new.” The most common industry challenge is often choosing an approach appropriate to the nature of the assets and true to the objectives of Integrity Management. JANA sees the opportunities a quantitative probabilistic approach can provide gas operators. These risk models take advantage of data availability to provide predictive forecasts of asset risk. Software can also be employed to turn model outputs into actionable information, giving integrity engineers the tools and visualizations needed to build optimal plans, justify mitigations and understand risk across an entire asset base. “New” is both an opportunity and a challenge!

In your opinion, what will be the role of natural gas in the next 50 years?

Pipelines are at the heart of civilization; they deliver us the fluid of life (water), energy (natural gas), handle our wastes and enable many of our production processes. For the most part they go unseen, an invisible network under our feet. At JANA, we believe that the natural gas industry’s focus on innovation, commitment to environmental stewardship and dedication to the future of energy is truly energizing the progress of society. And we don’t see that changing! As new pipelines are installed and our existing pipeline assets age, JANA will continue to partner with pipeline operators in helping them maintain the safety, reliability and cost-effectiveness of these valuable energy assets.

“[W]e believe that the natural gas industry’s focus on innovation, commitment to environmental stewardship and dedication to the future of energy is truly energizing the progress of society. ”