Supplier, Manufacturer and Contractor Profile

Founded in Canada in 1972, Romet Limited, headquartered in Mississauga, Ontario, is a market leader in positive displacement rotary gas meters, electronic volume instrumentation, and auxiliary equipment for the natural gas industry. Romet’s mission focuses on achieving customer satisfaction through responsive deliveries, technical support, and superior customer service.  Matched with rugged and reliable products and solutions that fit the changing needs of the industry. Romet manufactures with uncompromised quality, accuracy, and safety.

Romet has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies three years in a row, demonstrating Romet’s commitment to growth in both the domestic and international natural gas market.



Where is your company located?

Mississauga, Ontario

Mississauga, Ontario map

How many employees do you have?

Employee growth has been substantial over the years to support Romet’s ongoing commitment to revolutionize measurement instrumentation within the natural gas industry.

What is the company’s priority over the next five years?

Access to timely information is the future for the natural gas industry. The ability to collect, analyze and interpret data to improve accuracy and reduce errors in measurement has become fundamental to the growing needs of our customers. Romet looks to make advancements in IoT integration to improve real-time data gathering capabilities while maintaining the highest level of efficiency and accuracy of our products.

Romet will continue to lead in innovation in measurement, providing our customers the best opportunity to serve their customers while providing best in class delivery performance, technical support and customer service. Our entire team is committed to providing the rugged, reliable, and responsive products and services valued by our customers worldwide.

What opportunities and challenges does your company face?

With the increased use of affordable Natural Gas in the residential, commercial, and industrial markets of North America, Romet’s growth outlook is strong.  Couple this growth with new trade agreements such as CETA, (Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement) between Canada and the European Union, the opportunities for continued expansion are great.

However, the growth opportunities do not fully diminish the challenges.  New competitive forces within the market, economic changes driven by governments and global actions, and new or increased trade tariffs all have the potential for a negative impact on growth.

In your opinion, what will be the role of natural gas in the next 50 years?

All forms of energy, both renewable and nonrenewable, will be required to meet the ever-growing global demand. Natural gas will continue to play an important role in Canada as well as around the world as the global population grows and energy demands continue to increase. Canada is uniquely positioned to provide an abundance of safe and secure energy for decades to come and will continue to share its responsibly developed natural gas with countries working to advance their standard of living and economy.